Video : Said to be Ndebeles beating up Shonas in Bulawayo.

“Hatred ine some Ndebele people towards Shonas boggles my mind. I remember sometime back experiencing the hate too. I called one ndebele guy hanzvadzi and he said handisi hanzvadzi yako. You know those kind of mandevere aya who hate everything shona. The issue was I challenged nonsense yavanotaura iya yekuti shonas killed them pagukurahundi chino chino. Ndakavati it’s not shonas who killed you it’s zanupf and actually they did not just kill because from my understanding of the history I heard Nkomo hid arms or war mujecha to topple mugabe from power so masoja went to matebeleland to look for the arms of war and like in any other struggles the innocent suffer etc. I then composed the song gukurahundi to set the record straight.

Kuzodaro ndakatukwa zvekuti ndikazi svina ini ndikati dzviti i heard maitora all beautiful shona women nemombe etc but you just talk about gukurahundi indava muchida kuzviita vatsvene yet you perpetrated acts of terrorism too.

I know mandevere hobho in UK who dont want to be called zimbabweans and instead choose to be called south africans . Vamwe vari kutoti havagoni kutaura shona just because they hate everything shona. Ndakavati bva endai kwamakabva hatingaswereri tribalism mukore uno.

I had very good ndebele friends at UZ 2 women and 4 men but many of them had that attitude yekuti masvina.

Inini I always say to people if you are not happy where you are you can leave. Inini my ancestors are originally from Mozambique paManica apa so I am a mosken kutaura kuno so ndikaona shonas in zimbabwe vandinetsa i will go back to my roots. So if it is true that ndebeles’ ancestors originated from south africa kana mashona emuzimbabwe amunetsa you can go back to your roots too simple .” Said sisi Vee