[08/10 9:25 pm] HRDV Sisi Vee 2  : The soldier and kombi. Hapeno chimboitai. What I know is when driving if you encounter a hazard such as the soldier you think of the people you are carrying first then you stop and dont drive off but deal with the hazard. Izvozvi vamwe vacho mukombi vaitokurudzira driver to drive off. At times to prove a point to benzi just play the fool .Zvekuti musoja was wrong hazvimutsi chitunha chako.

He had twin boys so I gathered. I heard kuti he has passed away (not verified) . It is said he was inside the kombi and the fracas ensued . He held the steering wheel and the car swerved. Never drive a car when you are arguing with someone . STOP. It happens a lot with partners too . Apart from the risk of someone grabbing the steering wheel iwewe driver can be so emotionally wrecked to the extent of losing concentration muroad. Us Zimbabweans home and away are living lives infested with acute stress . It’s even worse kana usina mari for even basics apa muchinetsana necholera etc. People become easily irritated. It’s normal behaviour when people are stressed . Avoid unnecessary confrontations if you can. You will just worsen things