“Kekekekeke seka hako wasu.Majairaka zvekuZimbabwe zvekuabuser akadzi .In Western societies women abusers like you suffer the consequences kekekekekeke .Don’t lie that the UK government ‘favours’ women.Their abuse laws don’t favour anyone …kekekekekeke even women who abuse men suffer the consequences of their actions. You are just used to abusing women zvekuAfrica kwenyu ikoko and get away with it .Kuno munonyura kekekekeke .

Munotosiya paairport abuse dzenyu. Kana masvika kwaqueen motochera kakomba.Mukadzi anobatwa saqueen kuno not zvenyu zvekuzimbabwe zvekubata mukadzi sechikorobho.Akakugona.

Keep phoning the police fellow women .Vakajaira kubata vakadzi rough semarags manje UK is not Africa .Take your rat medication makanyarara and passers by will find you muchipupa furo ko publicity ngeyei zviurayei makanyarara.

Abused women (black and white ) are just doing the right thing …phoning the police ….so it’s not only Zimbabwean women who report the abuse .All you do is lie after lie .Women are phoning the police because you are abusing them and you are even forcing them to do musvo with you after you abuse them.

I have witnessed the women abuse and talked to Zimbabwean women here who have shared their stories of abuse by Zimbabwean men. Good riddance .Mada zvewomen abuse go back to Zimbabwe not muno .Their laws don’t tolerate women abuse.

Any of you who wants rat poison please contact me .Pane inouraya within 2 minutes .Meanwhile iwewe famba zvinyoronyoro . Byeeee ” Said sisi Vee

Speaking to sisi vee someone who went to school with him said ,

[20/04, 1:19 am] ID : Ndeip this guy Marevangepo is from Glen View my sister where I come from. We grew up together playing football but was very violent. He is not telling the truth
He is a very very violent person

[20/04, 1:21 am] Sisi Vee: Hey hanzvadzi .Thank you so much .I had a strong feeling that he’s an abuser.