The man who is seen in a video assaulting a woman has been fined US$50.The video of the assault went viral after it got to sisi Vee a few days ago with the message

” Make it viral shame the devil ”


[01/11 1:08 pm] App91 : Good day

[01/11 1:09 pm] App91 : The man in that video beating up a woman for a mere $6 was fined $50 by the courts.

[01/11 1:09 pm] Sisi Vee: Hello hanzvadzi.iiii really? Airoverwei maybe pane extenuating circumstances

[01/11 1:10 pm] App91 : Several women have teamed up to demonstrate at his house and force the closure of his Shabeen in Budiriro

[01/11 1:10 pm] Sisi Vee: Hezvo kekekekeke okaay so that explains it .inyaya dzetsvina ?

[01/11 1:16 pm] App91 : Vaiita maRounds ekukandirana mari so she owed him $6 saka hanzi vakanetsana nenyaya yacho akamurova

[01/11 1:16 pm] App91 : Medical record produced in court ,said she suffered slight injuries from 2 blows

[01/11 1:18 pm] Sisi Vee: Ok .pamwe aipindura rough paaibvunzwa mari

[01/11 1:18 pm] App91: Maybe but the way yaakamurova nayo was just bad

[01/11 1:21 pm] Sisi Vee: Depends on what she said to him.Pamwe akatukirwa mai iye abunza chikwereti

[01/11 1:23 pm] App91 : Kkkkk vakadzi mune pamuromo futika kkk

[01/11 1:28 pm] Sisi Vee: Ehe kekekekekeke hanzvadzi.Vamwe really should be disciplined.I have heard so much of their sewage talk ivo vari wrong .They just spit words without even bothering to think about the impact it will have on the other person.

[01/11 1:29 pm] App91 : U see now, though that was brutal

[01/11 1:30 pm] Sisi Vee: Actually some words can be more brutal and can have long term effects too.

[01/11 1:32 pm] App91 : Yes words are stronger than beatings

[01/11 1:36 pm] Sisi Vee: The problem is people see the physical beatings and not the emotional beatings of words iye munhu achikuvarira mukati nepain after atukwa magaramoyo iye abvunza chikwereti.Such people at times vent their anger through beating and some actually commit suicide etc .

[01/11 1:43 pm] App91 : Oh yes , violence is a result of emotional abuse

[01/11 1:47 pm] Sisi Vee: Certainly yes and once it results into that it should cease to be called violence …but should be called seeking justice

[01/11 1:53 pm] App91 : Yes but u women activists rush to defend the women

[01/11 1:54 pm] App91 : It’s a pity even in our courts they don’t recognise emotional abuse

[01/11 1:58 pm] Sisi Vee: Many women yes.Me you always see me defending truth and facts and not gender. Actually that’s why I never call myself a gender or women activist .Many of them just defend gender…that’s how foolish they are.

[01/11 2:01 pm] App91 : Yes and some do it for donor funding not in pursuit of justice and love for the women

[01/11 2:06 pm] Sisi Vee: Exactly .You know it all.

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